The Synthetik 2 Game Logo
March 16, 2023

Strike Force Update

Major Features:

Military Units, Rare Squads
Weapon Tuning
Shrine of Zir
Audio Post Processing

Hey Androids!

Update 10 is out! We were trying faster turnover times for patches but this was maybe a little too fast, we'll see how to proceed next. U10 brings many improvements around enemies and the core gameplay as well. We also made tons of improvements and fixes for the coop test branch and much more.

A big priority were the coop improvements for the test branch this update. Make sure to let us know how you feel about the changes, especially around the core gameplay and audio!

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Military Units, Rare Squads

New rare units and rare enemy squads have been added! From assassins to new Machine Military faction units such as heavy attack spiders, new threats are emerging!

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Weapon Tuning

Weapon upgrade crates now have a new weapon tuning system which allows for finer adjustments to your favourite weapons. A new late-game workbench was also added with new powerful performance kits.

Core Gameplay System
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Shrine of Zir

The shrine is back, offering a great terrorlevel increase or a survival event and rewards with a set of zir perks if you dared to accept.

Core Gameplay System
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Audio Post Processing

We added reverb and varied other features and improvements to the audio system. This should make gameplay sounds more clear and improve realism. Let us know what you think so we can make further adjustments!




We keep tuning the difficulty levels, however your feedback will now be very important as multiple things have changed and the new enemies shaking things up.

Many enemy tweaks and additions have been done, see further below for more info!
Projectile speed of enemies is reduced by 20%, Escalation 3 now gives enemies +20% projectile speed
Reduced incoming damage across all difficulties, especially lower difficulties
Fragile on escalation 3 now reduces maximum health by 10 instead of 1%, up to 1000 instead of up to 75%
Tweaked varied Difficulty Mutators


The following changes aim to make health management more predictable, planable, and less random, resulting in a harder and more tense gameplay, particularly on higher difficulties. The random nature of health pickups (which were a leftover from very old S1 inspirations, and never really worked well) make them very hard to balance and predict, as such we are looking how to replace them the best. One of these tests is giving them to terrorlevel, as it spawns somewhat consistently, and can be altered through player input in a risk-reward sense.

Terrorlevel Headhunters drop a guaranteed medpack
Medpack drop rate is now very rare
Bosses no longer provide a medcrate before the fight
Medcrates may appear in difficulties 125% or below

Campaign Progression

We have further refined the loot progression, ensuring a logical progression of loot rarity throughout the game and adjusting spawns based on player feedback.

Further tuned loot progression
More weapons are in the common pool now for more early game variation

Weapon Upgrading

For weapon upgrades, we tried to make things a bit deeper and fix the poor 10% chest upgrades which were visually confusing and had no agency. This is replaced with a new system which lets you tune weapons a little bit instead. For upgradekits, we always hated the random nature and we are testing to drop them on elites instead to give more consistency and make elite kills more exciting.

NEW Weapon Tuning Chest
NEW Performance Kit Workbench (Late-game)
Upgradekits now drop from Elite enemies instead of random
Big Metal weapon chests now also grant an upgradekit
Known issue: On lower difficulty you might have less elites, we look how to solve this the best
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Level Changes

As usual, more maps have been improved, the Mainboard Environment got a big update, spawnpoints and visuals have been improved in varied areas.

Mainboard Environment Update
Many improvements in varied areas
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Omega-Exo and Painkiller got overhauled
Regeneration now stacks on multi kills and is visible ingame

Chrono Trooper

Slow-Mo now slows enemy projectile speed and reload speed
Slow-Mo new VFX


Tactical advance replaced with Seismic Impulse

Heavy Gunner

Twin Gatling / Devastator reworked
Armorer kit now grants one extra LR300 for coop play
Perks on all 3 kits have been changed
(The Double LR300 will likely be coop only however later)

Machine Hunter

We are looking into more improvements for ambush but there was no time in this patch to make larger changes.

Hard light cover now is full height cover
Smoke Infrared ambush reworked to be more of a (Team) utility
Fixed HVAP giving critical chance and deviation for 6 seconds instead of the next shots


The new core perk gives you stacking benefits for fulfilling contracts. A contract is completed once X amount of kills are achieved without taking damage. This adds a fun minigame to the eliminator which is in line with his identity.

New Reworked Core Perk


Sniper felt a bit too vulnerable, as such he is getting more base shield to rely less on the stacking mechanic.

Now has 200 more max shield


Now has its own model and Class, is no longer a Chrono Trooper specialization
New Shoulder Dash alternative mobility
New Breach and Clear Core Perk
Now also has access to Power Kick, later on he will get a modified kick
Super Shorty damage increased 3.5 > 4x
Super Shorty perk replaced


Varied fixes, especially around weapon kits
More work on class perks is upcoming with the new system, so level perks are not prioritized at the moment


Weapon Model Improvements

Certain weapon models have been improved to match our latest skill level. Some examples below.

Rubber Grenade Launcher
R2000 Ninata
Honorary Dominator

Weapon Progression

As we started with U9, we want a more clear hiearchy in our line-ups, where blues are at the start and epics at the top. This had been quite muddy in the past, however we of course like the Synthetik style where any weapon can work. We are pushing a bit that later weapons are more exciting and also more powerful, instead of them being not really neccessary.

Epic and Legendaries buffed (on average around 15%)
Varied weapons have been shuffled in rarity
Varied other tweaks and improvements
Varied perk changes

Steam Cloud

Playerprofile saving is now enabled through steam cloud


New Decals for Explosions
Improved Variant display for weapon pickups
Dual Wield improvements
Rewrite of some weapon code, work in progress
Fire technology armor damage reduction 65>40%

New Weapons

Some cool new weapons coming in!

Road Warrior

Road Warrior

- Double barrel scatter-shot shotgun - High burst damage, but long downtime

LR400 'Machine Slayer'

LR400 'Machine Slayer'

- Armor Piercing Assault Rifle - Good Magazine size - Accurate when controlled

LM-89 'Dusk'

LM-89 'Dusk'

- Suppressive fire LMG - Very accurate in controlled salvos

M77 Industrial Laser Cutter

M77 Industrial Laser Cutter

- Industrial tool repurposed as LMG - Fires lasers in trio - Stabilized but inaccurate


Rare Enemy Squads

We added the first iteration of rare enemy squads, which have around a 50% chance to appear in many maps. These add some higher tension moments to gameplay and can be seen on their special star icon. More details in the enemies section.

NEW Multiple Rare SAT Police Squads can appear in varied locations
NEW Multiple Rare Machine Military Squads can appear in varied locations

Rare Units

We also added varied rare units which can appear if no squad is spawning. Also certain enemies can also spawn next to turrets as before.

NEW Multiple Rare SAT Police Units
NEW Multiple Rare Machine Military

Gameplay Changes

Many things have been improved or shuffled around in timings. Some units have had stat adjustments.

New Pacifier Melee Enemy
Adjusted spawn timing of varied enemies
Arena masters varied improvements (WIP)

New Units

Reinforcements coming in!



Cloaked units which are hard to detect, can dodge sideways and use rapid-fire SMGs.


Emergency Protector

Carries a durable shield and can performs a shield-bash up close. Has a powerful armor aura.



The Purifier is armed with a flame weapon to cleanse out fortified positions


High Justiciar

Dispatched on Terrorlevel increase, of higher rank than the Judges. Comes with a medkit.



The pacifier is a slow but dangerous melee unit, equipped with a reactive ion shield. Becomes enraged if other units are killed.


Patrol Wheel

A basic and cheap patrol unit, mostly exists to make a presence.



A patrol wheel carrying a stationary deployable shield. The shield is dropped when destroyed.


Healing Station

A regenerative healing station, which repairs units after a delay.


Propaganda Tower

Boosting aura which regenerates near units and comes with multiple public patrol wheels.


Searchlight Missile turret

A mobile fortified searchlight with homing fusion missiles. Seek and Destroy in one package.



The Machine Military recon squad is more agressive and posesses defensive shields


Heliolite Laser Spider

A armored attack spider with a powerful focussed laser beam.


Missile Prism

A walking array of homing missiles.


Fortress Spider

A very durable armored spider for frontline combat.


Heavy Siege Spider

The largest of the 4 legged units, comes with powerful twin cannons.


Saturn 5 MBT

The common medium tank of the Machine Military. Durable, flexible and with plenty of firepower.



Multiplayer (on Beta Branch)

Our dedicated server based online coop has seen a ton of fixes and improvements. You can test it on the beta branch on steam by right clicking your game settings and enabling it in the beta tab. Multiplayer improvements had been a big priority for this update.

New Client-side / Individual Pickups
Many fixes and stability improvements have been done!
Credits are now based on kill proximity, so stay together!
Tons of fixes and other improvements


Varied audio improvements have been done. Maybe some weapon shots need to be adjusted now as all of them have baked in reverb to some degree.

Improved shop sounds for stats, attachments, shrines
Added a global reverb which gives more richness to overall sound and is quite noticeable
Added a normalization for effect sounds (Abilities, impacts etc) which can boost up to 20% in volume
Added a ducking for gunshots based on effect sounds to make gameplay sounds a bit more clear
Added a flange and distortion effect for gunshots making them a bit more dynamic
Added a 5% bass boost to gunshots
Added a compressor which reduces volume if gunshots are too overblown (heavy full auto fire)
Added a Setting for varied Speaker constellations (Stereo, 5.1 ....)
Added feature to add reverb zones to environments, work in progress
Fixed varied audio related issues

Post Effect Tweaks

Varied effects have been improved or toned down

Combat Log

The combat log is much more helpful and readable now, however keep in mind that this is a sort of a debugging tool and will have internal names shown.

Overhauled combat log readability (Hotkey: C)
Combat log now shows shield damage seperately


Explosions and debuffs can no longer backstab / hit in the rear

// UniversEdit

Headhunt Wave System

NEW Wave attack system spawning enemies in timed waves around players.
You can create new wave systems and make them spawn through actions, including varied features.

Dynamic Tooltips

Great progress (WIP) on dynamic tooltips has been done and they can be used for many things already. These are not perfect yet but we shift more and more to them. It is recommended to start using those as well, similar to the newer action. It saves time and shows scaling values on CTRL held.

Modify Stat
Deal Damage
Shoot Ammo


New Result Stat to Stack which allows converting certain stats to stacks
Stat overwrites in Game-entities now properly work and don't reset to = every time
Entities without weapon sockets no longer break
Chests are now game entities and can be spawned like other entities

Warning: Modify Stat only work on self now

This has always been highly questionable as you change stats of an other unit without it being visible by a buff or perk, so such changes are impossible to debug. ("Where is this minus health coming from? There is no debuff, no idea")

Also this is buggy with a timer, so if you set this for 5 seconds on another unit, and you die, the effect is never removed, as the unit which would remove it, is not existing

This was added for quick prototyping at the start but it was always clear that this was a bad way of doing things, however now the multiplayer requires to remove it entirely.

So if you want to change a stat of another unit (such as Incubus giving negative health regen to units in range) you have to give them a buff, debuff, item or any action which does that, which has always been the professional way.


▧ Upcoming

The biggest things upcoming are the "loop", outgame progression, new talent system, engineer / raider, boss improvements. Then as usual a lot of polishing, some item work and an alternative floor for arctic are on the plan for the coming updates. We also plan to get multiplayer out quite soon in official state.

We will either do a very short update with fixes and boss improvements, or a larger one next as previously.

Known Issues

We halfway reworked the saving / serialization and some core weapon code, which still causes some issues around weapons and save & load. We try fix these in the near future.

Weapon perks can appear broken, weapon switching solves it
Pickups seem to appear way too often after a certain time (ammo, credits, plating)
Flak cannon laser effect can cause issues
Some Tooltip issues with shops can appear

▧ That's it!

Let us know what you think on the Steam or on Discord!
We are looking towards your feedback - Have fun!

- Team Flow Fire Games
The Flow Fire Games Logo
Flow Fire Games UG (haftungsbeschränkt) HRB 167558 B
Berlin, Lotosweg 31, 13467  - Geschäftsführer: Alexander Luck